『楼 主』:
Usage: rma [command] <filename>
rma test.rm
check integrity of test.rm
rma -f test.rm
try to fix errors in test.rm with default settings
rma -fb2n1 test.rm
try to fix errors in test.rm, seek two packets back
when broken packet is found, only fix first broken packet
rma -sx1 test.rm
extract stream 1 from test.rm
rma -j/audio.rm//video.rm/ test.rm
join streams from audio.rm and video.rm and write
multiplexed stream to test.rm.
>> rmeditor
rmeditor -i <input> -o <output> [-t <title>] [-a <author>]
[-c <copyright>] [-C <comment>]
[-s <start time>] [-e <end time>] [-l <log file>] [-d <dump file>]
[-q <description>] [-n <keywords>] [-R <content rating>]
input - the path to the input file.
output - the path to the output file that will contain
the edited file.
title - title text.
author - author text.
copyright - copyright text.
comment - comment text.
start time - days:hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds.
end time - days:hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds.
log file - the path to the log file.
dump file - the path to the dump file.
description - a description of the contents of the file.
keywords - a list of keywords for the file.
content rating - 1 = All Ages, 2 = Older Children,
3 = Younger Teens, 4 = Older Teens,
5 = Adult Supervision Recommended,
6 - Adults Only, 0 - No Rating
Enter rmeditor -i <input> to view the contents of the input file.
Enter rmeditor -i <input1> -i <input2>... to paste input files.
Use 0 as the end time to specify the end of the file.
Place " " around the path to your file if any directory or file name con
tains a space
>> rmevents
rmevents -i <input> -o <output> -e <events> -m <imagemaps> -d <dump file
input - the path to the input file.
output - the path to the output file that will contain the output file.
events - the path to the text file containing the events to be added to the out
put file.
imagemaps - the path to the text file containing the image maps to be added to t
he output file.
dump file- the path to the dump file to hold the image maps and events dumped fr
om the input file.
log file - the path to the log file.
Enter rmevents -d <dump file> to dump the events and image maps from the input f