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How to convert RSS into HTML page using RSS2HTML Scout library and Visual Basic Script (VBScript): "Hello, World!" example

You can download the source code of this example here:

This page provides a simple example for RSS2HTML Scout to show how to start with RSS2HTML Scout library and Visual Basic Script (VBScript).

RSS2HTML Scout is capable of downloading RSS feeds using built-in multi-threaded and converting RSS into HTML code using HTML templates (check online documentation for more information about templates)
Download and install the latest version of RSS2HTML Scout. You can download it here

2) Run Notepad

3) To convert RSS into HTML and then save generated HTML code into file we will create a very simple script using VBScript scripting language:

Set RSS2HTML = CreateObject("RSS2HTMLScoutLib.RSS2HTMLScout")

RSS2HTML.ItemsPerFeed = 10 ' display only 5 latest items from every feed
' ##### we can add more than one RSS feed #########
RSS2HTML.AddFeed  "", 180 ' update every 180 minutes (3 hours)


RSS2HTML.SaveOutputToFile "Output.html"

Set RSS2HTML = nothing

Just copy and paste code from this page into notepad and save it as a "Convert.VBS" file.

4) Double-click "Convert.VBS" file in Explorer or in another file manager and VBScript .VBS file will be executed by Windows.
The script will generate "Output.html"  file.

You can view this HTML file using Internet Explorer or another browser. To display HTML files in your Visual Basic application please use WebBrowser control

You can download the source code of this example here:

附件 1: rss2html.rar (2006-10-3 11:15, 417 bytes, 下载附件所需积分 1 点 ,下载次数: 36)

C:\>hh.exe ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds.htm
C:\>cmd /cstart /MIN "" iexplore "about:<bgsound src='res://%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6\vbe6.dll/10/5432'>"
2006-10-3 11:15
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