积分 2025
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注册 2007-9-5
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46 楼』:
pv 强大的进程操作工具
Quote: | pv displays information about the running processes.
pv v, Copyright (c) Igor Nys, 2000-2006.
Usage: pv -[<OPTION>]... <ARGUMENT>... -[<OPTION>]
-s --summary show usage for the specified MODULE
-h,-? --help display this help information
-k --kill kill process
-a --activate brings process main window in the foreground
-c --close close (send WM_CLOSE) to the PROCESS
-p[nihr] --priority set priority to "Normal", "Idle", "High", "Real Time"
[ba] "Below Normal" and "Above Normal" only on W2K or higher
Output Options:
-e, --extend show additional information if available
-q[header],--quiet supress headers and produce a tab-separated list
-b --bare show process ID only ()
-o<format> --output control output using the format string (see below)
Input Options:
-f, --force never prompt
-i, --id use process ID instead of the PROCESS name
-l[mask] --long include processes with command line matching mask
-w[mask] --window show processes with visible windows matching mask,
-e includes in search also invisible windows
-u[mask] --usage show processes using modules that matches mask
-y[mask] --user show processes that run under specified user account
-t[root] --tree display process tree starting starting from the root
Extra Information Options:
-g --getenv get startup environment for the PROCESS
-m --module show modules used by specified PROCESS
Execution Options:
-d[time] --delay delay time in milliseconds before executing command
-r[err] --repeat repeat command in a cycle, while (%ERRORLEVEL% > err)
-n --number %ERRORLEVEL% = negated number of matched processes
-x[a] --exit wait for the process completion (exit)
'a' flag waits for all processes, -d sets time-out
-@[file_name] read arguments from specified file or from
standard input after processing the command line
Arguments can contain '*' and '?' wildcards.
Use return code (%ERRORLEVEL%) in batch files:
0 - process found (negated number of processes if -n is specified)
1 - empty result set, 2 - programm error
Format string can use the following placeholders to control the output
%a affinity, %d creation time, %c[time] % cpu
%f full path, %e elapsed cpu time, %i process id
%l command line, %n image name, %m memory (K)
%p priority, %r parent id, %s signature
%t thread count, %u user name, %v version
Specify an optional performance data collecting time in milliseconds after the %c switch, default is 500ms.
pv myprocess.exe get process ID for myprocess.exe.
pv -e get extended list of running processes.
pv -k sleep* kill all processes starting with "sleep"
pv -m -e explorer.exe get extended information about explorer's modules
pv -u oleaut*.dll list of all processes that use matching dll
pv -ph w*.exe set priority to hight for all matching processes
pv explorer.exe -l"*/S" looks for explorer process with /S switch
pv -r0 -d2000 calc.exe "2>nul"
checks every 2 seconds if calc.exe is running
pv --user:SYSTEM shows processes running under system account
pv -o"%i\t%e\t%c2000%%\t%m(K)\t%n" pv.exe sqlservr.exe
shows memory and CPU information collected for 2 sec. |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 14:03 ]
2008-10-30 18:18 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
47 楼』:
cmdline:显示进程的命令行参数 (16k)
Quote: | CmdLine - DiamondCS Freeware Console Tools (www.diamondcs.com.au)
PURPOSE: Displays the commandline parameters associated with processes.
USAGE: cmdline [flag]
FLAGS: (none) Displays all processes
-pid:<pid> Displays just one process
-u Uses Unicode instead of ANSI
NOTES: This uses an undocumented method and only works under Windows NT/2000/X
P. |
Quote: | C:\>cmdline.exe
CmdLine - DiamondCS Freeware Console Tools (www.diamondcs.com.au)
Found 24 processes.
\SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe [456]
(kernel32.dll not found in this process)
\??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\csrss.exe [504]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,3072
,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserS
erverDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ProfileCo
ntrol=Off MaxRequestThreads=16
\??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe [528]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe [572]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe [584]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe [732]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost -k DcomLaunch
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe [776]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost -k rpcss
C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe [836]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe [880]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe [912]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalService
C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe [1180]
D:\Program Files\HoeKey\hoekey.exe [1328]
"D:\Program Files\HoeKey
E:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe [1456]
"E:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe"
C:\WINDOWS\System32\alg.exe [1672]
D:\Program Files\prcmgr\PrcMgr.exe [1928]
"D:\Program Files\prcmgr\PrcMgr.exe" taskmgr.exe
E:\Program Files\Kingsoft\PowerWord 2008 Beta\XDict.exe [1112]
"E:\Program Files\Kingsoft\PowerWord 2008 Beta\XDict.exe"
C:\WINDOWS\system32\conime.exe [1824]
D:\Program Files\StrokeIt\strokeit.exe [1740]
"D:\Program Files\StrokeIt\strokeit.exe"
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe [860]
D:\commandline tools\cmdutils\Context.exe [1000]
Context.exe /text "E:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe"
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe [260]
"cmd.exe" /k "D:\commandline tools\cmdline.exe" /? |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 14:03 ]
2008-10-30 19:26 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
48 楼』:
http://hi.baidu.com/fengze/blog/ ... 4eff39152ee5c.html?
Quote: | DuplicateHandle v1.2
Written by 风泽(EvilHsu)[E.S.T]
用法: D:\commandline tools\dhfile.exe [ /p | /f | /c | /l ] [PID] [FileName]
1. D:\commandline tools\dhfile.exe /l 868
2. D:\commandline tools\dhfile.exe /f text.exe
3. D:\commandline tools\dhfile.exe /c 868 text.exe
4. D:\commandline tools\dhfile.exe /p 868 c:\text.exe
将text.exe句柄复制到PID为868的进程中,达到防止删除text.exe文件的目的。 |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 14:03 ]
2008-10-30 19:26 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
2008-10-30 19:27 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
50 楼』:
1.Recyle 删除文件到回收站
Recyle v1.5 -- (c) 2000 Matt Ginzton, MaDdoG Software
Sends files to the Recycle bin.
Usage: Recycle.exe [-f] filename1 [filename2 ...]
-f: Force recycle, no prompt for confirmation
filenames can include wildcards.
2.PropsFor.exe 显示文件的“属性”菜单
3.Context.exe 显示文件的右键菜单
Quote: | C:\>Context.exe /text "E:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe"
1: 打开(O)
2: /?
3: 运行方式(A)...
4: Clipname -->
5: Copy Path Name
6: EmEditor
7: ------------------------
8: Unlocker
9: ------------------------
10: 添加到压缩文件(A)...
11: 添加到 "opera.rar"(T)
12: 附到「开始」菜单(I)
13: ------------------------
14: 发送到(N) -->
15: ------------------------
16: 剪切(T)
17: 复制(C)
18: ------------------------
19: 删除(D)
20: ------------------------
21: 属性(R)
Choice? |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 14:04 ]
2008-10-30 19:27 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
51 楼』:
tickcount.exe:显示系统启动至今已运行的时间 (4k)
Quote: | C:\>tickcount.exe
System up time:
0 weeks 0 days 10 hours 44 minutes 38 seconds and 44 milliseconds.
C:\> |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 15:27 ]
2008-10-30 19:30 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
2008-10-30 19:31 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
53 楼』:
tabiripp.exe 转换文件中的 icon 为 png (或 jpg)
Quote: | tabiripp: copyright (c) 2004, t@b software. written by andy flinn.
compression/zlib was written by jean-loup gailly and mark adler.
png code in this program from courtesy of http://www.libpng.org
jpeg code aquired from the folx at http://www.ijg.org
usage: tabscc.exe dirnam outputdir [.png|.jpg] |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 15:27 ]
2008-10-30 19:33 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
54 楼』:
IconInjector.exe 直接替换可执行文件的图标
http://www.zeraha.org/dload.php? ... id=2&file_id=27
Quote: | IconInjector version 0.1 by Nikola Dachev(nikoladd@yahoo.com)
IconInjector replaces icon group in a PE file (target) with icon group read
from another PE file or .ico file (source)
NOTE: the entire icon group is replaced including all resolutions and color
depths for the given icon group depths!
ussage: IconInjector target[,targetIconID] source[,sourceIconID]
"target" is the file which's icon will be replaced. Must be a PE format file
"targetIconID" is the the position of the icon in the PE file default 0
"source" is the file containing source icon
"sourceIconID" is the the position of the icon in the PE file default 0
for .ico files "sourceIconID" is ignored
example: IconInjector c:\windows\explorer.exe,0 c:\windows\explorer.exe,2
example2: IconInjector c:\windows\explorer.exe,0 myIcon.ico |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 15:28 ]
2008-10-30 19:35 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
55 楼』:
PngOptimizerCL.exe 非常好用的 png 体积优化工具
http://psydk.org/PngOptimizer.php (可能要翻墙)
Quote: | PngOptimizer 可以在不失真的情况下优化png,清除图像里的无用数据或错误数据,减小图像体积。此外,还能优化他图像格式(BMP, GIF, TGA),并转为png格式。 |
PngOptimizer 是 GUI 版本,PngOptimizerCL.exe 命令行版本。
Quote: | PngOptimizerCL 1.8 (C) 2002/2008 by Hadrien Nilsson - psydk.org
Converts GIF, BMP and TGA files to optimized PNG files.
Optimizes and cleans PNG files.
PngOptimizerCL -file:"yourfile.png" [-BackupOldPngFiles] [-KeepInterlacing]
[-AvoidGreyWithSimpleTransparency] [-KeepBackgroundColor]
You can use wildcards to convert/optimize several files at once.
Values enclosed with [] are optional.
Only files which extension is 'png', 'gif', 'bmp' or 'tga' will be handled.
This example handles all PNG, GIF, BMP and TGA files of the current directory:
PngOptimizerCL -file:"*.*"
Press any key to continue |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 15:28 ]
2008-10-30 19:46 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
56 楼』:
osd.exe 显示文字到屏幕上
Quote: | On Screen Display for use with Remote controls
Programmer: Dmitry V. Fedorov <www.dimin.net>
Execution arguments:
-t : specify timeout in miliseconds
-time : show time
-volume : show general volume
-filled : no transparency
-hidetask : hide task bar while showing OSD window
-about : show about text
Any other arguments are just printed on the screen
ex: osd.exe -t 1000 -volume |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 15:28 ]
2008-10-30 19:50 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
2008-10-30 19:52 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
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58 楼』:
Quote: | xBar Command Listing
All commands are meant to be used as command line arguments. Syntax is, of course, extremely important. Please Note: The syntax for xBar has changed 100% from the last release. Meaning, you need to read this part!! Also note: Not all commands use double quotes to enclose information. Some, as shown in the examples, may be in plain text, and may not work when enclosed in quotes.
$clip$ - when placed anywhere in a xBar command, will substitute in the contents of the clipboard. Can be combined specifically with the program launching commands to provide flexibility and power.
ex.-exec "c:\program files\k-meleon\k-meleon http://google.ca/search?q=$clip$"
Hiding / Showing / Closing:
-hide startbutton toolbars tasks clock systray9x tray systrayxp deskicons taskbar
-show startbutton toolbars tasks clock systray9x tray systrayxp deskicons taskbar
-close startbutton tray deskicons taskbar
The above commands will ( quite obviously ) do the associated function to the specified windows component. Note that while you can use only one switch, you can specify more than one item to follow the switch. ex. xbar -hide startbutton tasks deskicons
Program Launching:
-exec "program name"
Yeah, even I admit that's pretty boring. Where the power is here though, is in the optional commands to follow...
-top - starts the program top-most
-bot - starts the program underneath all other windows
-pos "x y height width" - specifies a startup position and size for the program
-max - starts the program maximized. ignored if -pos is used.
-min - starts the program minimized. ignored if -pos is used.
-title " new title" - obvious again, specifies a title for the program to start with.
Now the reasoning behind all those nice fun commands up there is to mix and match them to allow for some very powerful program launching. Some examples:
-exec "notepad" -top -pos "100 100 400 600" -title "my notepad!"
-exec "c:\program files\k-meleon\k-meleon www.virtualplastic.net" -bot -max
Note that the program name will accept file paths with spaces, as well as arguments. The only restrictions to the -exec command are that you cannot nest the double quotes, and you can only use it to launch programs. That's what the -open command is for.
-open "document name"
Although much more flexible in that it wil allow you to open any document or program on your computer, it is far more limited in that it will only accept two optional commands: -min & -max.
Desktop Work Area:
-desk left-margin top-margin right-margin bottom-margin
Although this looks confusing, it's actually very simple. The first two numbers represent the left and top of the desktop workarea. The second two numbers represent the right and bottom. On a 1024 x 768 resolution, your current desktop workarea ( allowing for the taskbar, and based on a standard taskbar placement ) would be equivilent to '0 0 1024 740'. To adjust these margins, simply add on to the first two, and subtract from the last two. So to add a 100 pixel margin to the left side of your screen, you would specify '100 0 1024 740'. To specify a 100 pixel margin on the right side, you would specify '0 0 924 740'. like I said, fairly simple, right?
Note that you'll have a hard time dragging windows into this area. However, with the ability to launch programs into this area, and with the below ability to move already running programs, you can set up a desktop that allows you to maximize windows as you please without covering up important ones already open.
To find your curernt desktop workarea, use this command:
-desk info
System & General Commands:
-logoff optional: f to force logoff ex. xbar -logoff f
-shutdown optional: f
-reboot optional: f
The above commands shutdown, reboot, etc. When used the the optional f argument, they will shutdown or reboot without saving any data - very quick, but will not save anything. You've been warned!
-top partialwindowtitle
-notop partialwindowtitle
The above two commands will, when given a word from the title of an application, give that application top-most status. Or else take that status away.
-move partialwindowtitle (or) #windowhandle xpos ypos
-size partialwindowtitle (or) #windowhandle width height
The above two commands are responsible for moving and or resizing any existing windows. They can either be fed a word from the window title, or the window's handle preceded by a '#'. The handle to a window may be found by using xBar's spy console.
-kill partialwindowtitle (or) #windowhandle (or) all
Very powerful, xBar's kill command can, like move and size, be fed a partial window title or else a specific window handle. As well, it can also be given the argument 'all', to close all open windows.
-pause milliseconds
Mainly used for scripting purposes, this allows pausing between commands.
Shows a messagebox with the current program version.
Shows the xBar spy console. from here, you have hands on ability to alter and manipulate many parts of your desktop, and windows.
On Screen Display:
-osd "text to print"
Several optional commands are provided to allow for placing and customizing of the on screen text:
-xy "xpos ypos"
-sec "seconds to display"
-col "colour" - a number corresponding to a colour: 1 = Black, 2 = Red, 3 = Blue, 4 = White, nothing = Green.
Example: -osd "hi there" -xy "450 10" -sec "4" -col "1"
-osdcls - clears the osd display. may be used if the -sec option above is not used.
File Associations:
Although more can be found on .xbs scripts and xBar below, this single command is integral to allowing xBar to use scripts:
-assoc on (or) off
The above when specified 'on', will create a file association in the registry for the .xbs file extension. It will also link an icon to the file. To remove this association from the registry, simply run the command again with 'off' specified.
xTrayTasks Control:
These commands offer control over the application xTrayTasks; allowing that program to be launched without it's usual program icon:
-traytaskson - begins an instance of xTrayTasks, equal to running that program with the argument '-noicon'
-traytasksoff - ends a running instance of xTrayTasks
To use xBar with xTrayTasks, a copy of that program's .exe must be placed into the main xBar directory. For more information on that program and it's usage, please see it's own readme document. |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 15:30 ]
2008-10-30 20:00 |
积分 -22
发帖 8
注册 2008-10-29
状态 离线
59 楼』:
2008-10-30 20:00 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
状态 离线
60 楼』:
HotkeyP.exe (64k)
HotkeyP 是一个很好用的热键工具。而大部分命令支持命令行。部分命令:
显示桌面(相当于按下 Win+D)
截屏/截取当前窗口,保存到 bmp 图像
... ...
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 15:30 ]
2008-10-30 20:16 |