积分 2201
发帖 789
注册 2005-1-27
状态 离线
『楼 主』:
“坐享宏”汇编的多行结构控制块!和CALL name (p1,p2,p3,...)!!!
; *改进说明*
; ========
; 0. 程序调用"多行控制结构体"宏,实现高级语言程序控制结构,甚至有类似C语言的
; break,continue语句,从此汇编语言也能缩进嵌套,直观明了!
; 1. 程序实现参数的PUSH/POP/CALL三合一宏,方便调用,如:
; PPC .,es,ax,bx,si ;=PUSH 多参数同行!
; PPC -,es,ax,bx,si ;=POP 顺序同对应的PUSH,不再需要颠倒!
; PPC drawPoint,x,y,color ;=CALL drawPoint(x,y,color) 参数顺序直观!
; PPC drawBox,ax,bx,<[bp+6]>; 可直接用寄存器/子程序参数
; *函数参数表* +----标题栏有/无
; ============ |+--- 对话框/按钮
;1. ConfCanc (切换按钮焦点) ||+-- 有焦点/无焦点
;2. ShowStr0 (显示字符串) ;(x,y,d,s,c) ^^^ ^ ^
;3. DrawDiaBut(画对话框/按钮) ;(x,y,w,h,f) flag=0bdfB 1 / 0
;4. DrawPoint (画点) ;(x,y,c)
;5. DrawRectF (画框/横/竖线) ;(x,y,w,h,c)
;6. seekFnt (搜索小字库字模);(a,f) f=1:Asc,2:hz;AX返回0FFFFh/字模地址
; d=dis字间距 s=strPtr字符串 c=color颜色 w=width宽度 h=height高度
; f=flag标志(含义各异) a=ASCII字符(20h--7Eh或汉字)
; e-mail:lmayylxt@pub.sz.jsinfo.net
; 本是 2007.1.8
; 鸣谢:
; 1.SIT.INC"多行控制结构体"宏由Davidson Corry附在SIT程序包,本是仅
; 精减其中部分宏名及变量名等,使之更简短,方便阅读理解;
; 改原宏名及变量名起始符_(甚至___)为更便于输入的.;
; 增加PUSH/POP/CALL三合一宏,以方便保护/恢复现场及用栈传参的子程序CALL;
; 2.DIALOG原始程序见本论坛(http://www.cn-dos.net/forum/viewthread.php?tid=22279&fpage=2),经精减修正并结构化处理
include sit.inc
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:code
org 100h
mov ax,12h ;init graph
int 10h ;set display mode in al
;regs set once for program
mov dx,3CEh ;port 3CEh, EGA graphic index
mov ax,0205h
out dx,ax ; al = 5, mode
mov al,08h
out dx,al ; al = 8, data bit mask
;make background
inc dx
mov al,0FFh
out dx,al
push 0A000h ;graph video buffer seg
pop es
xor di,di ;ofs
mov ax,303h ;cyan
mov cx,80*480/2
repz stosw ;CLS to make cyan background
ppc DrawDiaBut,220,120,200,100,110B
ppc ShowStr0,226,126,00,<offset warn_T>,0Fh ;警告
ppc ShowStr0,258,156,00,<offset exit_M>,00 ;您确定要退出系统吗?
call xf1
call ConfCanc
ppc DrawDiaBut,0,456,640,25,010B
ppc DrawDiaBut,2,458, 40,20,010B
ppc ShowStr0,8,462,03,<offset startB>,00 ;开始
mov ah,00h
int 16h ; get keybd char in al, ah=scan
.if <cmp ah,1Ch>,nz ;CR
call ConfCanc
.break <cmp flag,1>,z
mov ax,3 ;closeGraph
int 10h ;set display mode in al
mov ah,4Ch
int 21h ;terminate with al=return code
warn_T db '警 Warning 告',0
exit_M db '您确定要退出系统吗?',0
confiB db '确定',0
canceB db '取消',0
startB db '开始',0
ascORhz dw -1
zflag db 0
ShowStr0 proc near ;(X,Y,Dis,msgPtr,Color) bp+4
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,4 ;x[bp-2],y[bp-4],cols[bp-6],
mov si,[bp+10]
mov al,[si]
mov ascORhz,1
mov cols__1,8 ;
.break <or al,al>,z
call setzflag
.if <cmp zflag,0>,e
call modiMem
ppc seekFnt,ax,bx;1;asc;2;hz
.if <cmp ax,0FFFFh>,nz
mov si,ax ;ShowChr:
mov ax,[bp+4]
mov [bp-2],ax
mov ax,[bp+6]
mov [bp-4],ax
mov cx,12
push cx
db 0B9h
cols__ db 12,00;mov cx,12;8;;
lods__ db 0ADh ;w/AC;b ;lodsw;;
xchg ah,al ;
shl ax,1 ;
.if ,c
ppc DrawPoint,<[bp-2]>,<[bp-4]>,<[bp+12]>
inc word ptr[bp-2]
pop cx
inc word ptr[bp-4]
mov ax,[bp+4]
mov [bp-2],ax
mov ax,ascORhz
add word ptr[bp+10],ax ;ascORhz
db 0B8h
cols__1 db 12,00 ;mov ax,12;8
add ax,[bp+8]
add word ptr[bp+4],ax
add sp,4
pop bp
ret 10
ShowStr0 endp
setzflag proc near
.if <cmp al,' '>,ae
.if <cmp al,'?>,a
mov ah,[si+1]
.if <cmp ah,'?>,a
inc ascORhz ;HZ
mov zflag,1
.if <cmp al,'~'>,a ;else ASC
mov zflag,1
mov zflag,1
setzflag endp
modiMem proc near
.if <cmp al,'~'>,be
xor ah,ah
mov cx,ascORhz
push cx
mov bx,4
add bx,4
mov cols__1,bl
mov cols__, bl
pop cx
mov bx,cx
add cl,0ABh
mov lods__,cl
modiMem endp
xflag db 0
seekFnt proc near ;(Chr,flag) flag=1:asc,2:hz;AX=0FFFFh:not found,else:fntDataOfs
push bp
mov bp,sp
ppc ., bx,cx,dx,si
mov si,offset ascFnt
mov cx,offset ascFntEnd
.if <cmp byte ptr [bp+6],2>,e
mov si,offset hzFnt
mov cx,offset hzFntEnd
sub cx,si
mov ax,[bp+4]
push cs
pop ds
.if <cmp ax,[si]>,e
mov xflag,1
mov xflag,0
push cx
mov cx,[bp+6]
dec cx ;1:asc,2:hz
mov dx,13
shl dx,cl
pop cx
add si,dx ;rec len:asc:13/hz:26
sub cx,dx
.until <cmp cx,dx>,b
.if <cmp xflag,0>,e
mov ax,0FFFFh
mov dx,[bp+6] ;1:asc,2:hz
add si,dx;skip chr for fnt data
mov ax,si
ppc -,bx,cx,dx,si
pop bp
ret 4
seekFnt endp
flag db 0h
ConfCanc proc near
;flag=1 0
mov al,flag
xor ah,ah
xor al,1 ;0 1
ppc DrawDiaBut,240,180,61,22,ax
ppc ShowStr0,254,184,08,<offset confiB>,00 ;确定
xor al,1 ;1 0
ppc DrawDiaBut,340,180,61,22,ax
ppc ShowStr0,354,184,08,<offset canceB>,00 ;取消
xor flag,1
ConfCanc endp
DrawDiaBut proc near ;(x,y,width,height,BDFflag) bp+4
push bp ;b <----- 1=Banner,0=no banner
mov bp,sp ; ^d <--- 1=Dialog,0=button
ppc ., ax,bx,cx ; ^f <-- 1=Focus, 0=non-focus
ppc DrawRectF,<[bp+4]>,<[bp+6]>,<[bp+8]>,<[bp+10]>,07 ;main win
mov ax,[bp+10];h-3
sub ax,3
mov bx,[bp+6];y+1
inc bx
mov cx,[bp+4];x+1
inc cx
ppc DrawRectF,cx,bx,1,ax,0Fh;left | white
mov ax,[bp+8];w-3
sub ax,3;y+1;x+1;same as last FUN
ppc DrawRectF,cx,bx,ax,1,0Fh;upper -- white
mov ax,[bp+10];h-2
dec ax
dec ax;y+1;same as last FUN
mov cx,[bp+4];x+w-1-1;;;
add cx,[bp+8]
dec cx
dec cx;;;
ppc DrawRectF,cx,bx,1,ax,08h;right | grey
mov ax,[bp+8];w-2
dec ax
dec ax
mov bx,[bp+6];y+h-2
add bx,[bp+10]
dec bx
dec bx
mov cx,[bp+4];x+1
inc cx
ppc DrawRectF,cx,bx,ax,1,08;bottom -- gray
mov xflag,0
.while <cmp xflag,1>,nz
mov al,byte ptr [bp+12]
.if <test al,0010B>,nz
.if <test al,0100B>,nz
mov ax,[bp+8];w-6
sub ax,6
mov bx,[bp+6];y+3
add bx,3
mov cx,[bp+4];x+3
add cx,3
ppc DrawRectF,cx,bx,ax,20,01;blue banner
.break <test al,0001B>,z
mov ax,[bp+10];h-1
dec ax
ppc DrawRectF,<[bp+4]>,<[bp+6]>,1,ax,00;left | black
mov ax,[bp+8];w-1
dec ax
ppc DrawRectF,<[bp+4]>,<[bp+6]>,ax,1,00;top -- black
call BRbr
mov xflag,1 ;run once!
ppc -,ax,bx,cx
pop bp
ret 10
DrawDiaBut endp
BRbr proc near
mov ax,[bp+4];x+w-1;noBanner
add ax,[bp+8]
dec ax
ppc DrawRectF,ax,<[bp+6]>,1,<[bp+10]>,00;right | black
mov ax,[bp+6];y+h-1
add ax,[bp+10]
dec ax
ppc DrawRectF,<[bp+4]>,ax,<[bp+8]>,1,00;bottom -- black
BRbr endp
DrawRectF proc near ;(x,y,width,height,color) bp+4
push bp ;draw RectangleFilled/hLine(if w=1)/vLine(if h=1)
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+4]
mov dx,[bp+8]
ppc DrawPoint,ax,<[bp+6]>,<[bp+12]> ;word ptr
inc ax ;x
dec dx ;hLen
.until ,z
inc word ptr[bp+6] ;y
dec word ptr[bp+10] ;vLen
.until ,z
pop bp
ret 10
DrawRectF endp
DrawPoint proc near ;(x,y,color)
push bp
mov bp,sp
push 0A000h ;es=segm
pop es
mov ax,[bp+6]
shl ax,4
mov bx,ax
shl ax,2
add ax,bx
mov bx,[bp+4]
mov cl,bl
shr bx,3
add bx,ax ;bx=offs
mov al,80h
and cl,7
shr al,cl ;mask to proper bit within a byte
mov dx,3CFh
out dx,al ; port 3CEh, EGA graphic index; al = 8, data bit mask
mov ah,es:[bx]
mov al,[bp+8]
mov es:[bx],al
pop bp
ret 6
DrawPoint endp
hzfnt label byte
db '警',29h,20h,0FDh,0F0h,56h,0A0h,74h,40h,4,0A0h,0FFh,0F0h,0,0,3Fh,0C0h,0,0,3Fh,0C0h,20h,40h,3Fh,0C0h
db '告',12h,0,12h,40h,3Fh,0E0h,22h,0,42h,20h,0FFh,0F0h,0,0,1Fh,0C0h,10h,40h,10h,40h,1Fh,0C0h,10h,40h
db '您',14h,0,24h,0,2Fh,0F0h,71h,20h,0A5h,40h,29h,20h,33h,10h,20h,0,54h,40h,52h,0A0h,90h,90h,0Fh,80h
db '确',1,0,0F9h,0E0h,22h,40h,27h,0F0h,4Ch,90h,77h,0F0h,0D4h,90h,57h,0F0h,54h,90h,74h,90h,54h,0D0h,8,0A0h
db '定',4,0,2,0,7Fh,0F0h,40h,10h,0BFh,0C0h,4,0,24h,80h,27h,0C0h,24h,0,34h,0,4Ch,0,83h,0F0h
db '要',0,0,0FFh,0F0h,9,0,3Fh,0C0h,29h,40h,3Fh,0C0h,8,0,0FFh,0F0h,11h,80h,0Eh,0,5,80h,78h,60h
db '退',47h,0C0h,24h,40h,27h,0C0h,4,40h,7,0C0h,0E4h,0,25h,40h,24h,80h,26h,40h,24h,20h,50h,0,8Fh,0F0h
db '出',4,0,24h,40h,24h,40h,24h,40h,3Fh,0C0h,24h,40h,4,0,44h,20h,44h,20h,44h,20h,7Fh,0E0h,40h,20h
db '系',1,0C0h,7Eh,0,8,80h,11h,0,3Eh,0,8,40h,7Fh,0E0h,2,20h,13h,80h,22h,40h,42h,20h,86h,0
db '统',22h,0,21h,0,4Fh,0F0h,52h,0,0E4h,40h,2Fh,0E0h,42h,0A0h,0F2h,80h,2,80h,0F2h,90h,4,90h,18h,70h
db '吗',0,40h,0F7h,0E0h,90h,40h,92h,40h,92h,40h,93h,0F0h,90h,10h,0F0h,90h,8Fh,0D0h,0,20h,0,0A0h,0,40h
db '?',0,0,3Eh,0,63h,0,63h,0,6,0,0Ch,0,0Ch,0,0,0,0Ch,0,0Ch,0,0,0,0,0
db '取',8,0,0FCh,0,4Bh,0E0h,48h,20h,79h,20h,49h,40h,79h,40h,4Ch,80h,78h,80h,0C9h,40h,0Ah,20h,0Ch,10h
db '消',41h,0,25h,20h,13h,40h,81h,0,47h,0E0h,14h,20h,27h,0E0h,24h,20h,0C7h,0E0h,44h,20h,44h,0A0h,44h,60h
db '开',0,40h,7Fh,0E0h,8,80h,8,80h,8,0A0h,0FFh,0F0h,8,80h,8,80h,10h,80h,10h,80h,20h,80h,0C0h,80h
db '始',21h,0,21h,0,22h,40h,0FAh,20h,2Fh,0F0h,28h,10h,4Bh,0E0h,52h,20h,52h,20h,32h,20h,4Bh,0E0h,82h,20h
hzfntend label byte
; 0123 4567 89AB ////- ;'~',3Bh,6Eh,10 dup(0)
;21 ..1. ...1 .... .... 00 ; 0123 4567
;21 ..1. ...1 .... .... 00 ;3B ..11 1.11
;22 ..1. ..1. 1... .... 40 ;6E .11. 111.
;FA 1111 1.1. ..1. .... 20 ; .... ....
;2F ..1. 1111 1111 .... F0 ; .... ....
;28 ..1. 1... ...1 .... 10 ;7E .111 111.
;4B .1.. 1.11 111. .... E0 ;46 .1.. .11.
;52 1..1 ..1. ..1. .... 20 ;0C .... 11..
;52 .1.1 ..1. ..1. .... 20 ;18 ...1 1...
;32 ..11 ..1. ..1. .... 20 ;32 ..11 ..1.
;4B .1.. 1.11 111. .... E0 ;7E .111 111.
;82 1... ..1. ..1. .... 20 ; .... ....
;'始',21h,00,21h,0,22h,40h ; .... ....
;0FAh,20h,2Fh,0F0h,28h,10h ;'z',0,0,0,0
; 4Bh,0E0h,52h,20h,52h,20h ;7Eh,46h,0Ch,18h,32h,7Eh
; 32h,20h,4Bh,0E0h,82h,20h ;0,0
ascfnt label byte
db ' ',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
db '!',0,18h,3Ch,3Ch,3Ch,18h,18h,0,18h,18h,0,0
db '"',0,66h,66h,22h,44h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
db '#',0,36h,36h,7Fh,36h,36h,36h,7Fh,36h,36h,0,0
db '$',0,18h,7Eh,0D8h,0D8h,7Eh,1Bh,1Bh,7Eh,18h,0,0
db '%',0,7Fh,0DBh,76h,0Ch,18h,30h,6Eh,0DBh,0CEh,0,0
db '&',0,38h,6Ch,6Ch,38h,3Bh,7Eh,6Ch,66h,3Bh,0,0
db "'",0,18h,18h,8,10h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
db '(',0Ch,18h,18h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,18h,18h,0Ch,0
db ')',30h,18h,18h,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,18h,18h,30h,0
db '*',0,0,0,36h,1Ch,7Fh,1Ch,36h,0,0,0,0
db '+',0,0,0,18h,18h,7Eh,18h,18h,0,0,0,0
db ',',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,18h,18h,8,10h
db '-',0,0,0,0,0,7Fh,0,0,0,0,0,0
db '.',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,18h,18h,0,0
db '/',0,6,6,0Ch,0Ch,18h,18h,30h,30h,60h,60h,0
db '0',0,1Ch,36h,63h,67h,6Bh,73h,63h,36h,1Ch,0,0
db '1',0,18h,38h,78h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,7Eh,0,0
db '2',0,3Ch,66h,6,6,0Ch,18h,30h,62h,7Eh,0,0
db '3',0,3Ch,66h,6,6,1Ch,6,6,66h,3Ch,0,0
db '4',0,60h,60h,66h,66h,66h,7Fh,6,6,6,0,0
db '5',0,7Eh,60h,60h,7Ch,6,6,6,66h,3Ch,0,0
db '6',0,3Ch,66h,60h,60h,7Ch,66h,66h,66h,3Ch,0,0
db '7',0,7Eh,46h,6,0Ch,0Ch,18h,18h,30h,30h,0,0
db '8',0,3Ch,66h,66h,66h,3Ch,66h,66h,66h,3Ch,0,0
db '9',0,3Ch,66h,66h,66h,3Eh,6,6,66h,3Ch,0,0
db ':',0,0,0,0,18h,18h,0,0,18h,18h,0,0
db ';',0,0,0,0,18h,18h,0,0,18h,18h,8,10h
db '<',0,0,0Ch,18h,30h,60h,30h,18h,0Ch,0,0,0
db '=',0,0,0,0,7Eh,0,7Eh,0,0,0,0,0
db '>',0,0,30h,18h,0Ch,6,0Ch,18h,30h,0,0,0
db '?',0,3Ch,66h,6,6,0Ch,18h,0,18h,18h,0,0
db '@',0,7Ch,82h,9Ah,0AAh,0AAh,0AAh,9Eh,80h,7Ch,0,0
db 'A',0,10h,38h,6Ch,0C6h,0C6h,0FEh,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0,0
db 'B',0,0FCh,66h,66h,66h,7Ch,66h,66h,66h,0FCh,0,0
db 'C',0,3Ch,66h,0C0h,0C0h,0C0h,0C0h,0C0h,66h,3Ch,0,0
db 'D',0,0F8h,6Ch,66h,66h,66h,66h,66h,6Ch,0F8h,0,0
db 'E',0,0FEh,62h,60h,60h,78h,60h,60h,62h,0FEh,0,0
db 'F',0,0FEh,62h,60h,60h,78h,60h,60h,60h,0F0h,0,0
db 'G',0,3Ch,66h,0C0h,0C0h,0CEh,0C6h,0C6h,66h,3Eh,0,0
db 'H',0,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0FEh,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0,0
db 'I',0,78h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,78h,0,0
db 'J',0,1Eh,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0CCh,0CCh,78h,0,0
db 'K',0,0E6h,66h,6Ch,78h,70h,78h,6Ch,66h,0E6h,0,0
db 'L',0,0F0h,60h,60h,60h,60h,60h,62h,66h,0FEh,0,0
db 'M',0,82h,0C6h,0EEh,0FEh,0D6h,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0,0
db 'N',0,0C6h,0C6h,0E6h,0F6h,0FEh,0DEh,0CEh,0C6h,0C6h,0,0
db 'O',0,7Ch,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,7Ch,0,0
db 'P',0,0FCh,66h,66h,66h,7Ch,60h,60h,60h,0F0h,0,0
db 'Q',0,78h,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,0ECh,0DCh,7Ch,6,0
db 'R',0,0FCh,66h,66h,66h,7Ch,78h,6Ch,66h,0E6h,0,0
db 'S',0,7Ch,0C6h,0C0h,0C0h,7Ch,6,6,0C6h,7Ch,0,0
db 'T',0,7Eh,5Ah,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,3Ch,0,0
db 'U',0,66h,66h,66h,66h,66h,66h,66h,66h,3Ch,0,0
db 'V',0,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,6Ch,6Ch,38h,38h,10h,0,0
db 'W',0,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,0D6h,0D6h,0FEh,0FEh,6Ch,6Ch,0,0
db 'X',0,0C6h,0C6h,6Ch,6Ch,38h,6Ch,6Ch,0C6h,0C6h,0,0
db 'Y',0,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,78h,30h,30h,30h,30h,0,0
db 'Z',0,0FEh,0C6h,8Ch,18h,30h,60h,0C2h,0C6h,0FEh,0,0
db '[',3Ch,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,3Ch,0
db '\',0,60h,60h,30h,30h,18h,18h,0Ch,0Ch,6,6,0
db ']',3Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,3Ch,0
db '^',10h,38h,6Ch,0C6h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
db '_',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7Fh,0
db '`',0,8,10h,18h,18h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
db 'a',0,0,0,0,78h,0Ch,3Ch,6Ch,0CCh,76h,0,0
db 'b',0,0E0h,60h,60h,7Ch,66h,66h,66h,66h,0DCh,0,0
db 'c',0,0,0,0,78h,0CCh,0C0h,0C0h,0CCh,78h,0,0
db 'd',0,1Ch,0Ch,0Ch,7Ch,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,76h,0,0
db 'e',0,0,0,0,3Ch,66h,7Eh,60h,60h,3Ch,0,0
db 'f',0,1Ch,36h,30h,30h,78h,30h,30h,30h,78h,0,0
db 'g',0,0,0,0,76h,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,7Ch,0Ch,0F8h
db 'h',0,0E0h,60h,60h,7Ch,66h,66h,66h,66h,0E6h,0,0
db 'i',0,0,18h,0,38h,18h,18h,18h,18h,3Ch,0,0
db 'j',0,0,6,0,0Eh,6,6,6,6,66h,66h,3Ch
db 'k',0,0E0h,60h,60h,66h,6Ch,78h,78h,6Ch,0E6h,0,0
db 'l',0,38h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,3Ch,0,0
db 'm',0,0,0,0,0ECh,0FEh,0D6h,0D6h,0D6h,0D6h,0,0
db 'n',0,0,0,0,7Ch,66h,66h,66h,66h,66h,0,0
db 'o',0,0,0,0,3Ch,66h,66h,66h,66h,3Ch,0,0
db 'p',0,0,0,0,0DCh,66h,66h,66h,66h,7Ch,60h,0F0h
db 'q',0,0,0,0,76h,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,7Ch,0Ch,1Eh
db 'r',0,0,0,0,0DCh,76h,60h,60h,60h,0F0h,0,0
db 's',0,0,0,0,3Eh,60h,3Ch,6,6,7Ch,0,0
db 't',0,18h,18h,18h,18h,3Eh,18h,18h,1Ah,0Ch,0,0
db 'u',0,0,0,0,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,0CCh,76h,0,0
db 'v',0,0,0,0,0C6h,0C6h,0C6h,6Ch,38h,10h,0,0
db 'w',0,0,0,0,0C6h,0C6h,0D6h,0D6h,0FEh,6Ch,0,0
db 'x',0,0,0,0,0C6h,6Ch,38h,38h,6Ch,0C6h,0,0
db 'y',0,0,0,0,66h,66h,66h,66h,66h,3Eh,6,7Ch
db 'z',0,0,0,0,7Eh,46h,0Ch,18h,32h,7Eh,0,0
db '{',0Eh,18h,18h,18h,18h,70h,18h,18h,18h,18h,0Eh,0
db '|',18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,0,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,0
db '}',70h,18h,18h,18h,18h,0Eh,18h,18h,18h,18h,70h,0
db '~',3Bh,6Eh,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
ascfntend label byte
code ends
end start
[ Last edited by 本是 on 2007-1-22 at 05:36 AM ]
my major is english----my love is dos----my teacher is the buddha----my friends--how about U |
2007-1-9 05:31 |
积分 7493
发帖 2672
注册 2005-9-2
状态 离线
2 楼』:
偶对 本是 兄的敬佩犹如滔滔江水啊~~~可惜偶菜鸟一个,友情顶了~~
2007-1-10 08:52 |
积分 2201
发帖 789
注册 2005-1-27
状态 离线
3 楼』:
RE electronixtar:
不敢当!(按中国人的习惯) Thank you.(按西方人的习惯)
; 1. 程序实现方便堆栈传参的.PUSH/.POP/.CALL宏,方便调用,如:
; .PUSH es,ax,bx,si ;多参数同行,节省源程序空间!(入栈序:si,bx,ax,es)
; .POP es,ax,bx,si ;对应的入出栈同序,便于复制!(出栈序:si,bx,ax,es)
; .P0P si,bx,ax,es ;保留按原序出栈. (出栈序:si,bx,ax,es)
; .CALL drawPoint,cx,dx,<[bp+6]> ;参数顺序直观,与DECLARE申明同序!
; ;可直接用寄存器/子程序参数 (入栈序:[bp+6],dx,cx)
[ Last edited by 本是 on 2007-1-15 at 11:56 AM ]
1: SITdialog.rar (2007-1-15 11:56, 10.05 K, 下载附件所需积分 1 点
,下载次数: 11)
my major is english----my love is dos----my teacher is the buddha----my friends--how about U |
2007-1-10 11:47 |
积分 52
发帖 19
注册 2006-9-2
状态 离线
4 楼』:
2007-1-10 12:19 |
积分 2201
发帖 789
注册 2005-1-27
状态 离线
5 楼』:
汇编也用 可嵌套多行结构体!!!
;;;;;; SIT.INC 坐享宏----汇编语言也用 可嵌套多行结构体
;基于Davidson Corry(4610 SW Lander,Seattle, WA 98116,(206) 935-0244)
;的SIT.INC, 是"多行控制结构体"宏, 实现高级语言程序控制结构,甚至有类似C语言
; 循环体中可以用BREAK中断退出
; 精减其中部分宏名及变量名等,使之更简短,方便阅读理解;
; 改原宏名及变量名起始符_(甚至___)为更便于输入的.;
; 增加.PUSH/.POP/.P0P/.CALL宏,以方便保护/恢复现场及用栈传参的.CALL;
; 成功添加大于128字节的跳转/循环支持!!!且扩展方便!
; 原来一旦出现大于128字节的跳转,就必须另开子程序,
; 现在只要让出错的语句用一个0(或其它非空参数)就行了!例如:
; .loop .loop ,,0
; .break <or al,al>,z 改作 .break <or al,al>,z,0
; .lend .lend ,,0;
; 按简洁和标准的原则,结构体现改名如下:
; (op=能引起标志变化的任何语句, cnd=跳转条件, long=非空为是,空为非)
;.if op,cnd,long
;.else long
;.elif op,cnd,long
;.while op,cnd,long
; .break op,cnd,long
; .conti op,cnd,long
;.wend ,,long
;.loop ,,long
; .break op,cnd,long
; .conti op,cnd,long
;.until op,cnd,long
;.loop ,,long
; .break op,cnd,long
; .contx cnd ,long
;.untix cnd ,long
;.if op,cnd,long ;case 1
;.elif op,cnd,long ;case 2
;.elif op,cnd,long ;case 3
;.else long ;default
;op1 ;初值
;.while op2,cnd,long
; ;op2=终值判断
; op3 ;步长运算
;.wend ,,long
;op1 ;初值
;.loop ,,long
; op3 ;步长运算
; ;op2=终值判断
;.until op2,cnd,long
;.while op,cnd,long
; .break op,cnd,long
; .conti op,cnd,long
;.until op,cnd,long
;.loop ,,long
; .break ... ;不加中断语句
;.lend ,,long ;即成死循环!!
; 暗地不用餐, 否则独脚龙, 汝难玩,逗逗侬, 差差跳远比跳远!
; .endif 不用参数 ==>暗地 不用餐
; .else 独脚LONG ==>否则 独脚龙
; .loop/.lend/.wend 逗逗LONG ==>汝难玩 逗逗侬
; .contx/.untix 跳转LONG ==>(你)差差 跳远
; 其它 比较跳转LONG ==>(我和你) 比跳远
; LONG参数平时一概不管,只在距离大于128字节的跳转/循环处
; 引起编译出错时,才需要添加!
[ Last edited by 本是 on 2007-1-13 at 06:06 AM ]
my major is english----my love is dos----my teacher is the buddha----my friends--how about U |
2007-1-12 03:20 |
积分 2201
发帖 789
注册 2005-1-27
状态 离线
6 楼』:
[ Last edited by 本是 on 2007-1-13 at 06:08 AM ]
my major is english----my love is dos----my teacher is the buddha----my friends--how about U |
2007-1-13 05:58 |
积分 160
发帖 36
注册 2006-12-23
状态 离线
2007-1-14 04:21 |
积分 2201
发帖 789
注册 2005-1-27
状态 离线
8 楼』:
my major is english----my love is dos----my teacher is the buddha----my friends--how about U |
2007-1-15 11:55 |