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31 楼』:
David Tribble's
MS-DOS and Windows
Unless otherwise noted, most of these programs were originally written and compiled on 16-bit MS-DOS, and may not work very well when run on 32-bit Windows, especially in the way that they fail to handle long file names.
Converts a binary data file into a BMP image file.
Some people, to my surprise, have actually found this program useful.
Dumps the contents of a BMP bitmap image file in hexadecimal form.
Catenates the contents of one or more files, writing to the standard output (a la the Unix 'cat' utility). Similar to the DOS 'type' command, but better. Has several options for converting between different end-of-line conventions.
chtime.exe (32-bit DOS)
Modifies the timestamp of one or more files (a la the Unix 'touch' utility).
Converts the tabs in a text file into spaces.
Displays the free and used space on a disk drive.
Converts an ASCII file into EBCDIC or visa versa.
Tabifies a text file by converting spaces into tabs.
filldisk.bat (16-bit and 32-bit DOS)
Documentation: filldisk.html
Fills a hard drive with many large random data files, effectively erasing all the unused and deleted file blocks on the drive.
Splits a large file into several smaller files. The smaller files may br recombined using the DOS 'copy' command or my 'cat' utility.
Displays information about files. The information displayed can be tailored using a number of formatting options.
Dumps the contents of a GIF bitmap image file in hexadecimal form.
hdump.exe (32-bit DOS)
Dumps the contents of one or more files in hexadecimal and character form.
Displays the first few lines of a text file (a la the Unix 'head' utility).
Reboots the computer.
Admittedly, this is not very useful.
Documentation: scram.doc
Encodes or decodes a binary or text file into a text-only format suitable for emailing. Handles different end-of-line conventions for text files.
Fills a 320x200 VGA display with 'snow'.
Admittedly, this is not very useful.
Copies files to a destination directory if they don't exist or are out of date. Similar to the DOS 'replace' command, but better. Has several options for controlling how the copying takes place.
tee.exe (32-bit DOS)
Copies standard input to standard output and to one or more files (a la the Unix 'tee' utility).
Simple utility that displays the time and date.
Converts an ASCII text file into Unicode or visa versa. Handles big-endian or little-endian encoding.
Removes adjacent duplicate text lines from standard input (a la the Unix 'uniq' utility).
Displays the current date and time. The output can be tailored using a number of formatting options.
Simple utility for writing arbitrary characters and escape sequences to standard output (a la the Unix 'echo' utility). Similar to the DOS 'echo' command, but more sophisticated.
vfind.exe (32-bit DOS)
Locates file and directory names matching specified wildcarded names and other search criteria. Recognizes long file names if running in a Windows shell.
what.exe (32-bit DOS)
Searches for "what" strings embedded within files (similar to the Unix 'what' utility). Such strings are prefixed by the character sequence "@(#)" and typically contain source revision information about the file. Many source code revision control systems, notably SCCS, use these embedded "what" strings to track the source code used to build executables and libraries.
Locates the files corresponding to specified commands by searching the current PATH settings.
Simple utility that counts the number of characters, lines, and words in one or more text files.
2008-9-24 15:59 |
积分 400
发帖 211
注册 2007-9-30
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2008-9-24 16:02 |
积分 400
发帖 211
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2008-9-24 16:12 |
积分 400
发帖 211
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34 楼』:
CMDOW Commandline Window Utility 隐藏窗口工具
CMDOW Commandline Window Utility
cmdow @ /HID
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\***.exe
Here are some different examples of how you can use it on your UA CD/DVD to prevent those windows from opening:
Quietly execute any commandline argument:
CODENirCMD ExeCMD "RD /S /Q "~$folder.common_start_menu$\Programs\**** NFO Viewer""
Run an application invisibly:
CODENirCMD Exec hide "~$Nir.Exefile$\Applications\Setup.exe" /S
Hide/close/move a window:
CODENirCMD win close ititle "cmd.exe"
2008-9-24 16:28 |
积分 400
发帖 211
注册 2007-9-30
状态 离线
35 楼』:
FREE Win32 console utilities 新宝藏
Links to useful tools (mainly FREE Win32 console utilities)
All links working as of 2005-02-26 11:49 UTC.
Thanks to all those who have brought utilities to my attention. All links open a new window.
BLAT SMTP client.
CINT C/C++ Interpreter.
CMDOW Commandline window utility for manipulating windows.
CURL Transfer files from commandline using FTP/HTTP/TELNET and many other protocols.
DOCPROP Lists OLE document properties, part of the Outwit suite.
DUMPSEC Display permissions for files, registry, printers and shares.
EIC C interpreter.
FILELINK Give a file multiple names.
FPIPE TCP/UDP port forwarder/redirector. A real life-saver.
GAWK Text processor.
GETMAIL Download POP3 mail from the commandline.
I5COMP and I6COMP InstallShield CAB editor
IFMEMBER Determines group membership.
KIXTART Advanced logon script processor
KLOCKS Commandline utility to control the Num, Caps and Scroll lock.
MTEE Commandline standard stream splitter with unicode support.
MULTIRES Adjust display resolution/colours/refresh rate from commandline.
NC (Netcat) 'network swiss army knife'.
NCFTP Free scriptable commandline ftp client
NirCmd Automate various tasks from the command line
ODBC Queries relational databases, part of the Outwit suite.
PCI Reports on PCI, AGP & CardBus devices (I can't rate this util highly enough).
POWEROFF Like Shutdown from the Reskit, but also powers off.
PSTOOLS Admin tools, includes PSEXEC and PSKILL.
REGPERM Utility for setting and modifying registry permissions.
RESHACKER Edits Win32 .EXE resources.
REXX Regina Rexx.
SED Stream editor.
SETACL Set Windows NT/2000/XP permissions (DACLs) on virtually any object. Steep learning curve!
SHELEXEC Wrapper for the ShellExecute() API. Also see STARTX on the same page.
STARTX Wrapper for CreateProcess() API. From author of Shelexec.
TRUELAST Displays last logon time.
UNDERC C++ interpreter.
VNC (UltraVNC) Remote access software - the best version to date?.
WGET Retrieves files over HTTP, HTTPS and FTP.
WINCLIP Access Windows clipboard, part of the Outwit suite.
XCACLS Displays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files.
XNET Manages services and shutdown/restarts (part of KiXtart)
2008-9-24 17:05 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
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36 楼』:
两个 1 KB 的隐藏运行的工具
hidec.exe (1.5 KB)
Quote: | hidec hides console window of started program & waits (opt.) for its termination
hidec [/w] <filename>
/w wait for program termination
filename executable file name |
HideExec.exe (1 KB)
Quote: | Usage:HideExec Program [Arguments] |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 13:45 ]
2008-9-24 17:16 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
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37 楼』:
iskeydown 判断按键是否被按下
例如,判断按下的是回车,空格还是 ESC 键
@echo off
iskeydown VK_ESCAPE
If %errorlevel%==0 echo 你按了 [ESC] 键
iskeydown VK_SPACE
If %errorlevel%==0 echo 你按了 [空格] 键
iskeydown VK_RETURN
If %errorlevel%==0 echo 你按了 [回车] 键
goto bgn 用法:
Quote: | usage: iskeydown <key1> [<key2>...]
iskeydown /list
iskeydown checks if all of the keys given on the command line
are currently pressed. it returns 0 if are all pressed,
1 if not all are down and 2 if an error occurred.
you can either use the vk_xyz windows api key names or the
numerical scancode values
e.g. "iskeydown vk_left vk_shift" returns 0 only if the
left arrow key and one of the shift keys are pressed.
iskeydown /list prints a list of all known keycodes to stdout. |
iskeydown.exe 是 Batch tools 1.0 (官网里没这东西了好像..) 中的一个,总列表:
a few command line utilities to simplify the batch script editor's life a bit. all tools are released under the terms of the gnu gpl (except for 3rd party units), delphi 7 sources are included.
some of the tools (crc1632, direxist, macid and nocrlf) can also be compiled with turbo pascal 5.5 to create a dos version of them. the package contains these tools:
- crc1632: calculate the crc16 or crc32 for files or text from stdin
- direxist: test for directory existence. sets errorlevel to 0 if the given path exists, and to 1 otherwise (similar to "if exist xyznul", but also works on remote and ntfs drives)
- display: view and modify display settings from the command line (resolution, frequency, bit depth)
- errlv: sets the errorlevel to the given value
- filesize: sets the errorlevel to the size of the specified file. new as of version 08-21-2005: filesize now can compare a file's size to a reference value
- flushdrv: flush windows' file system buffers (similar to un*x 'sync', successor of the former flushdrv download)
- forcedir: creates a whole directorysubdirectory... path at once
- gpcvreg/gpscript: these two programs can modify w2k/xp local group policy files ("registry.pol") via commands from textual control files
- ini2reg: reads data from an ini-file and stores it in the registry
- instfont: install or uninstall fonts via command line
- iskeydown: checks if one or more keys are pressed (also control, shift etc.) and sets the errorlevel
- logger: enhanced "echo" command, output additional information (like date, time, username...) to a logfile and/or stdout
- macid: retrieves the mac address of the specified adapter and writes it to stdout in different formats
- moveex: can rename or delete files which are currently locked at next reboot
- msgbox: displays a windows message box and sets the errorlevel depending on the user input
- nocrlf: reads from stdin, removes all line breaks (cr and lf) and writes the text to stdout
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 13:44 ]
2008-9-25 14:08 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
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38 楼』:
WfpDeprotect - 禁止“文件保护” 1 分钟
Quote: | WfpDeprotect will deprotect a WFP (Windows File Protection) file or folder for up to 1 minute, allowing you to take permanent actions on that file or folder. Works with Windows XP.
WfpDeprotect is a console mode utility.
WfpDeprotect [file1] [folder2] [file3] ... |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 13:43 ]
2008-10-11 10:28 |
积分 9023
发帖 5017
注册 2007-5-31
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39 楼』:
Quote: | C:\Test>base64.exe -h
Base64 [options] [input file] [output file]
options are:
-i <filename> input file (default: stdin)
-o <filename> output file (default: stdout)
-e encode binary to Base64 (default)
-d decode Base64 to binary
-n <n> encode n characters per line (0:no line breaks,default:64)
-E <STRING> encode and put -----BEGIN/END <STRING>----- around output
-- indicate end of options
Call as b642bin to preselect decoding
(c) Matthias Gaertner 2002 - v1.00
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details. |
2008-10-12 14:43 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
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40 楼』:
lsdsk 显示盘符信息
Quote: | I wrote lsdsk as I wanted a program to display all my drives, including local, network, and substituted drives, in one convenient display. |
Quote: | Usage: lsdsk [options]
-m | --file_system Display file system format
-f | --free Display free space remaining on drive
-n | --name Display name/description of drive
-s | --size Display total size of drive
-t | --type Display type of drive
-u | --used Display used space on drive
-d | --domain Display domain and username for network shares
-v | --volume Display volume name of drive
-e | --exclude d: Exclude drive d:
-i | --include d: Include drive d: (and exclude all others)
-k | --kilobyte Use 1024 for a kilobyte (K) instead of 1000
-e | --available Display available drive letters (default is off)
-V | --version Show version and copyright information and quit
-? | --help Show this help message and quit
Dr Type Volume Used Free Size FS Name
-- --------- --------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- -----------------------------
B: RAMDisk RAMDisk 3.0K 1.0G 1.0G FAT \Device\RAMDisk
C: Fixed example_c 7.1G 439M 7.1G NTFS \Device\HarddiskVolume1
D: Fixed example_d 45G 2.1G 47G NTFS \Device\HarddiskVolume3
F: Fixed EXAMPLE_F 288K 131M 131M FAT32 \Device\HarddiskVolume2
G: Removable usb_stick 28M 221M 249M NTFS
I: Subst example_d 45G 2.1G 47G NTFS D:\a\path\on\d
M: Subst example_c 7.1G 439M 7.1G NTFS C:\Documents and Settings\ex\My Documents
Y: Network sharename 123M 456M 579M NTFS \\servername\sharename (username)
Z: Network c$ 177M 782M 959M NTFS \\servername\c$ (DOMAIN\user)
C:\>lsdsk -tna -e b
Dr Type Name
-- --------- -----------------------------
C: Fixed \Device\HarddiskVolume1
D: Fixed \Device\HarddiskVolume3
F: Fixed \Device\HarddiskVolume2
G: Removable
I: Subst D:\a\path\on\d
M: Subst C:\Documents and Settings\ex\My Documents
Y: Network \\servername\sharename (username)
Z: Network \\servername\c$ (DOMAIN\user)
Free: A: H: J: K: L: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 13:48 ]
2008-10-27 23:54 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
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2008-10-28 00:54 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
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42 楼』:
exelist.exe - 显示可执行文件的文件信息 (10.5K)
Quote: | C:\>exelist.exe "E:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe"
Module name: E:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe
Size of image: 96.5 KB
PE format (Windows NT executable) image.
Characteristics flags: 00000103
Number of sections: 4
Windows 32-bit executable.
Language: (04E40409) 英语(美国)
Company name: Opera Software
File description: Opera Internet Browser
File version: 10463
Internal name: Opera
Legal copyright: Copyright ? Opera Software 1995-2008
Original filename: Opera.exe
Product name: Opera Internet Browser
Product version: 9.61 |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 14:01 ]
2008-10-28 05:38 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
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43 楼』:
CLIP v2.2 1998,99 by Dave Navarro, Jr. (23k)
• 复制文本文件的内容到剪贴板:
clip filename.txt
clip < filename.txt
• 读取剪贴板的文字数据,输出到文件:
clip filename.txt /r
• 命令的执行结果输出到剪贴板:
dir | clip
• 复制 bmp 图像的数据到剪贴板:
clip filename.bmp
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 14:02 ]
2008-10-28 23:41 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
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44 楼』:
SysTrayScan:列出托盘图标的 PID 及路径
Quote: | SysTrayScan version (BETA)
Exodus Development http://exodusdev.com
Please report any problems to exodusdev@gmail.com
PID Path Visible Hidden
------- ------------------------------------------------ ----- ------
1740 D:\Program Files\StrokeIt\strokeit.exe 0 1
1112 E:\Program Files\Kingsoft\PowerWord 2008 Beta\XDi 0 1
1180 C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe 1 5
1928 D:\Program Files\prcmgr\PrcMgr.exe 1 0 |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 14:02 ]
2008-10-30 18:00 |
积分 2025
发帖 1122
注册 2007-9-5
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45 楼』:
Quote: | PK v1.04 - local process killer
Program by winddriver
Usage: PK <-l [masks]>|<process Id or masks>
-l list processes
masks process masks, can use * and ?
PK 1813
PK notepad.exe
PK no?e?ad.exe
PK note*
PK n*t*p?d*
PK no*;de*
PK -l
PK -l no*;de* |
[ Last edited by tireless on 2008-12-27 at 14:03 ]
2008-10-30 18:14 |