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中国DOS联盟论坛 » DOS疑难解答 & 问题讨论 (解答室) » 为什么VMware Workstation5.5 里不能用FDISK
标题: 为什么VMware Workstation5.5 里不能用FDISK 上一主题 | 下一主题

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注册 2006-12-21
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『楼 主』:  为什么VMware Workstation5.5 里不能用FDISK

为什么在VMware Workstation5.5虚拟机里我不能用fdisk?
首先:Your computer has a disk larger than 512 MB. This version of Windows includes improved support for large disks, resulting in more efficient use of disk space on large drives, and allowing disks over 2 GB to be formatted as a single drive.

IMPORTANT: If you enable large disk support and create any new drives on this disk, you will not be able to access the new drive(s) using other operating systems, including some versions of Windows 95 and Windows NT, as well as earlier versions of Windows and MS-DOS. In addition, disk utilities that were not designed explicitly for the FAT32 file system will not be able to work with this disk. If you need to access this disk with other operating systems or older disk utilities, do not enable large drive support.
Do you wish to enable large disk support (Y/N)...........? [Y]
A:> 后面那些步骤都没了。。到底是为什么呢?帮忙啊。。。谢谢

2006-12-21 11:52
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