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注册 2005-6-9
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『楼 主』:
umbpci, XMGR and UIDE update^O^
Quote: | XMGR and UIDE are DOS drivers for an 80386+ system running MS-DOS V5.0+, EDR-DOS, and all similar DOS variants.
XMGR is a DOS XMS memory manager. It can support V3.70+ UMBPCI by Uwe Sieber and is able to load directly in UMBPCI upper-memory. XMGR also runs with MS-DOS V4.49/V4.95 EMM386 or other equivalent "EMS managers". It is written to V3.0 XMS Specifications and can handle 4-GB of memory.
UIDE is a "Universal IDE" caching driver for DOS. It has internal support for SATA and UltraDMA disks on up to 4 "Legacy" or "Native PCI" IDE controllers. It intercepts and caches DOS Int 13h I-O requests for up to 20 BIOS disks, including A: and B: diskettes if present. UIDE "calls the BIOS" to handle I-O for SCSI and other non-IDE disks, and it caches their data when I-O is complete. To avoid slow BIOS I-O, DOS Int 13h drivers for other disks can load before UIDE, and it will cache data for their disks, as well.
UIDE also supports up to 4 CD/DVD drives, which may be SATA, UltraDMA, or old "PIO mode" models. It accepts file-input requests by SHCDX33C and other CD "Redirectors", and it automatically caches all file data for CD/DVD drives. Data files, audio CD "playback", and "trackwriter" functions can all be handled simultaneously on different drives (audio and trackwriting are not cached).
UIDE uses XMS memory and caches from 5-Megabytes to 1-GIGABYTE of data for disks, diskettes and CD/DVD drives! It can be re-assembled with new "internal" drivers or with support for up to 232 "external" drives (USB, Firewire, etc.). UIDE normally uses 3.5K bytes of upper-memory. It puts its cache routine and search tables in HMA space unused by DOS. For the "LZ" V7.10 MS-DOS kernel, HMA space allows up to a 255-Megabyte cache! With not-enough HMA or for larger caches, UIDE loads entirely in upper-memory, using 4.5K bytes for the driver plus 32 search-table bytes for each 1-Megabyte of cache.
"Free use" source files are offered with the XMGR and UIDE binary files. See their README file for full details about these drivers. |
Quote: | 10-Oct-07 UIDE now runs in 3424 bytes! External-drive code deleted and made assembly-optional. UIDE issued to the public.
06-Oct-07 UIDE logic improved, HMA cache limit up to 255 Megabytes.
04-Oct-07 UIDE "eject" and "closetray" CD/DVD commands corrected.
03-Oct-07 UIDE "Universal IDE" driver supercedes both UDMA and UDVD, with equal options and performance in a combined driver! |
Quote: | V3.70
- puts an UMB table into the upper memory for QXHIMEM when no HIMEM found
- chipset detection routine changed
- Intel 965
- Intel 946, 965M
- extended list of unsupported chipsets
- Intel G/P 31, 33, 35
- some ALi chipset no more 'untested'
- Intel 945GME
- Intel Q33, Q35, 3100 (may not work because of trusted platform stuff - TPM) |