积分 16
发帖 4
注册 2006-6-19
状态 离线
『楼 主』:
; This Code Show a 256 Color bitmap file in 13h mode. Support negative
; coordinate and auto cut out. The 'Bitmap' function have there para:
; the pointer to bitmap file name, X coordinate and Y coordinate. The
; function can be called like this:
; push Y coordinate
; push X coordinate
; push offset ImageSrc
; call Bitmap
; Written By Nirvana
; email:westdatas@163.com
; oicq :19820914
Stack Segment
Stk db 65535 dup(?)
Stack Ends
Data Segment
ImageBuffer db 65078 dup(?)
ImageSrc db 'test.bmp',0
Eflag db ?
OpenErrorMsg db 'open file error',24h
Not256Color db 'Not a 256 color bitmap',24h
handle dw ?
Data Ends
Code Segment
Assume cs:Code,ds:Data,ss:Stack
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
mov di,-100
mov si,50
mov dx,offset ImageSrc
push si
push di
push dx
call Bitmap
mov ax,0
int 16h
mov ax,4c01h
int 21h
BitMap Proc
; ;
; =================== ;
; * Local Variable list * ;
; =================== ;
; ;
; (1) BmpWidth (:Word) ;
; (2) BmpOnScreenWidth (:Word) ;
; (3) BytePerRow (:Word) ;
; (4) LeftCutWidth (:Word) ;
; (5) BmpHeight (:Word) ;
; (6) BmpOnScreenHeight (:Word) ;
; (7) BytePerPixel (:Word) ;
; (8) PaletteOffset (:Word) ;
; (9) ImgDataOffset (:Word) ;
; (10) RowOffset (:Word) ;
; ;
; ;
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,20
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
mov dx,[bp+4]
mov ax,3d00h
int 21h ;Open the bitmap file
jnc OpenOk
mov Eflag,0
Error: ;Show error message
cmp Eflag,0
jz OpenError
cmp Eflag,1
jz Not256
mov dx,offset OpenErrorMsg
jmp showtext
mov dx,offset Not256Color
jmp ShowText
mov ah,09h
int 21h
jmp exit
; ;
; Read first 4 byte of the file in order to get the file size ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ; ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;
mov bx,ax ;;
mov handle,bx ;;
mov dx,offset ImageBuffer ;;
mov cx,4 ;;
mov ax,3f00h ;;
int 21h ;Read the first 4 byte to memory ;;
mov ax,3e00h ;;
mov bx,handle ;;
int 21h ;Close the bitmap file ;;
; ;
; Read The entire bitmap file to memory ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ; ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;
mov si,2 ;;
mov cx,[si] ;Save the bitmap file entire size to CX Register ;;
mov dx,[bp+4] ; ;;
mov ax,3d00h ;;
int 21h ;Open the bitmap file again ;;
mov bx,ax ;;
mov handle,bx ;;
mov dx,offset ImageBuffer ;;
mov ax,3f00h ;;
int 21h ;Read the entire bitmap file to memory ;;
mov ax,3e00h ;;
mov bx,handle ;;
int 21h ;Close the bitmap file ;;
; ;
; Save Information to local variable ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ; ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;
mov si,012h ;;
mov ax,[si] ;;
mov [bp-2],ax ;Save BmpWidth ;;
mov [bp-4],ax ;Save BmpOnScreenWidth ;;
mov [bp-6],ax ;Save BytePerRow ;;
mov cl,4 ;;
div cl ;;
cmp ah,0 ;;
jz NoDwAA ;No Dword align adjust ;;
mov cl,4 ;;
sub cl,ah ;;
add [bp-6],cl ;;
NoDwAA: ;;
mov cx,0 ;;
mov [bp-8],cx ;Save LeftCutWidth,Default = 0 ;;
mov si,016h ;;
mov ax,[si] ;;
mov [bp-10],ax ;Save BmpHeight ;;
mov [bp-12],ax ;Save BmpOnScreenHeight ;;
mov si,01ch ;;
mov ax,[si] ;;
mov [bp-14],ax ;Save BitPerPixel ;;
mov si,0eh ;;
mov ax,[si] ;Save bmpfileheader length ;;
add ax,14 ;;
mov [bp-16],ax ;Save PaletteOffset ;;
mov si,0ah ;;
mov ax,[si] ;;
mov [bp-18],ax ;Save ImgDataOffset ;;
;mov [bp-20],0 ;Save RowOffset ;;
; Seve the value to Local variable
jmp CoorDinateX
jmp exit
mov ax,[bp+6] ;X coordinate
push ax
and ah,80
pop ax
jz PositiveX ;If X coordinate>=0,jump
mov ax,[bp+6]
push ax
not ax
inc ax
mov [bp-8],ax ;Save LeftCutWidth
pop ax
add ax,[bp-2] ;X coordinate add BmpWidth
jnc exitzz ;Exit if X coordinate add BmpWidth < 0
jz exitzz ;Exit if X coordinate add BmpWidth = 0
push ax
mov cx,320
sub cx,ax
mov [bp-20],cx ;Save RowOffset
add ax,[bp-8]
mov [bp-4],ax ;Save BmpOnScreenWidth + LeftCut
pop ax
mov cx,320
cmp cx,ax
jnc NoWOverf ;No Width Overflow
mov ax,[bp-8]
add ax,320
mov [bp-4],ax ;Save BmpOnScreenWidth = 320 + LeftCutWidth
mov ax,0
mov [bp-20],ax
mov ax,0
mov [bp+6],ax
jmp CoordinateY
cmp ax,320
jnc exitzz
mov cx,320
sub cx,[bp-2]
mov [bp-20],cx
add ax,[bp-2]
mov cx,320
cmp cx,ax
jnc CoordinateY
mov ax,320
sub ax,[bp+6]
mov [bp-4],ax ;Save OnScreenWidth
mov cx,320
sub cx,ax
mov [bp-20],cx ;SaveRowOffset
mov ax,[bp+8] ;Y coordinate
push ax
and ah,80
pop ax
jz PositiveY
add ax,[bp-10]
jnc exitzz1
jz exitzz1
mov [bp-10],ax ;Save BmpHeight
mov [bp-12],ax ;Save OnScreenHeight
mov cx,0
mov [bp+8],cx
mov cx,200
cmp cx,ax
jnc SetInt10 ;No Height Overflow
mov cx,200
mov [bp-12],cx
jmp SetInt10
jmp exit
cmp ax,200
jnc exitzz1
add ax,[bp-10]
mov cx,200
cmp cx,ax
jnc SetInt10
mov ax,200
sub ax,[bp+8]
mov [bp-12],ax
; Set the Palette register and copy image data to video buffer which
; address start at A000:0000.
mov ax,013h
int 10h ;Set Video Mode to 13h
mov dx,03c6h
mov ax,0ffh
out dx,ax
mov si,[bp-16]
mov di,0
mov cx,256
mov dx,03c8h
mov ax,di
out dx,al
mov dx,03c9h
mov al,byte ptr[si+2]
push bx
mov bl,63
mul bl
mov bl,0ffh
div bl
pop bx
out dx,al
mov al,byte ptr[si+1]
push bx
mov bl,63
mul bl
mov bl,0ffh
div bl
pop bx
out dx,al
mov al,byte ptr[si]
push bx
mov bl,63
mul bl
mov bl,0ffh
div bl
pop bx
out dx,al
add si,4
inc di
loop SetPalette
mov ax,0a000h ;Video memory start address
mov es,ax
mov ax,[bp+8]
mov cx,320
mul cx
add ax,[bp+6]
mov di,ax
cmp word ptr[bp-12],0
jz exit
dec word ptr[bp-10]
dec word ptr[bp-12]
mov ax,[bp-10]
mul word ptr[bp-6]
mov bx,ax
add bx,[bp-18]
mov si,0
add si,[bp-8]
cmp si,word ptr[bp-4]
jz horizonend
mov al,[bx][si]
mov es:[di],al
inc si
inc di
jmp horizon
add di,[bp-20]
jmp Vertical
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
add sp,20
pop bp
ret 6
Bitmap endp
Code Ends
End Start
[ Last edited by pick on 2006-6-19 at 16:16 ]
1: bitmap.rar (2006-6-19 16:14, 31.04 K, 下载附件所需积分 1 点
,下载次数: 129)
2006-6-19 16:14 |
![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) 苏醒的沉睡者
积分 659
发帖 217
注册 2003-2-15 来自 福建
状态 离线
2 楼』:
好久没碰Dos,手都生了,赶紧回来练练.嘿嘿 |
2006-6-19 18:27 |
![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif)
积分 894
发帖 411
注册 2007-2-17
状态 离线
3 楼』:
@set c= 不知则觉多,知则觉少,越知越多,便觉越来越少. --- 知多少.
@for,/l,%%i,in,(1,1,55)do,@call,set/p=%%c:~%%i,1%%<nul&ping/n 1 127.1>nul
2007-5-17 21:53 |
![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif)
积分 894
发帖 411
注册 2007-2-17
状态 离线
4 楼』:
@set c= 不知则觉多,知则觉少,越知越多,便觉越来越少. --- 知多少.
@for,/l,%%i,in,(1,1,55)do,@call,set/p=%%c:~%%i,1%%<nul&ping/n 1 127.1>nul
2007-5-17 22:02 |
![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif)
积分 486
发帖 171
注册 2006-2-12
状态 离线
5 楼』:
Those who do not study the past are condemned to repeat it |
2007-5-22 17:36 |
![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif)
积分 741
发帖 366
注册 2007-7-25
状态 离线
6 楼』:
2007-7-25 23:07 |
![](images/default/star.gif) ![](images/default/star.gif)
积分 21
发帖 6
注册 2005-9-8
状态 离线
7 楼』:
DJGPP + ALEGRO可实现dos下显示位图。
2007-7-27 18:56 |