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中国DOS联盟论坛 » DOS批处理 & 脚本技术(批处理室) » 求助!!在dos下killcopy的应用!文件已上传
标题: 求助!!在dos下killcopy的应用!文件已上传 上一主题 | 下一主题

积分 48
发帖 20
注册 2006-12-2
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『楼 主』:  求助!!在dos下killcopy的应用!文件已上传

听说killcopy的复制速度快  弄了半天只会在windwos下操作
谁能告诉我在cmd 下怎么用
比如我  想把  d盘\1  这个文件夹 复制到  e盘

[ Last edited by shenbaise on 2006-12-1 at 01:52 PM ]

2006-12-2 02:34
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积分 11386
发帖 4938
注册 2006-7-23
状态 离线
『第 2 楼』:  



2006-12-2 02:41
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积分 48
发帖 20
注册 2006-12-2
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『第 3 楼』:  


2006-12-2 02:49
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积分 48
发帖 20
注册 2006-12-2
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『第 4 楼』:  

这个是第三方的工具 看了半天说明也没有明白


2006-12-2 03:12
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积分 48
发帖 20
注册 2006-12-2
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『第 5 楼』:  

我想用它来更新游戏用 不知道是否能够行的同啊

2006-12-2 03:19
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积分 11386
发帖 4938
注册 2006-7-23
状态 离线
『第 6 楼』:  


[ Last edited by lxmxn on 2006-12-3 at 01:45 PM ]

2006-12-2 05:11
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积分 83
发帖 34
注册 2006-11-24
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『第 7 楼』:  


2006-12-2 05:18
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积分 48
发帖 20
注册 2006-12-2
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『第 8 楼』:  


Advances settings:

Speed limit: You can limit maximum copy transfer speed in Kbps units or change what part of current traffic used by KillCopy.

Buffer size: By changing buffersize you can set best settings for maximum speed. Increasing this size will increase transfer, but use high values only when there is enough RAM in system. Also you can use lower values when copy by low quality connection.

Autoresume: If copy will terminated by system crash it will be automatically resumed after reboot. You can force Autoresume by pressing SHIFT button when cancel copy process.

History: You can look what files and when you have downloaded in history.txt file in KillCopy directory.

Turbo: This mode can give greate improve of copy speed when coping large files between local disks.

Parallel: This mode increases copy speed when copy files between different physical devices.

Enable verifycation: This opions enables additional copy verification, this slows down copy process up to 2 times but this can help when files transferred with errors without it, caused for example by bad connection to remote computer. Recommended to use high-speed mode with this option.

Move mode: When moving files KillCopy can simple delete source files after copy,
or can overwrite they 1-3 times with random bytes. Also when specify here overwrite
delete mode you can delete files from Explorer context menu with KillCopy using
"KillDelete" menu item

Reserve space for file: Reserve space for file before coping it. This option can decrease fragmentation on files after copy complete, but it also decrease total copy speed.

Make KillCopy as default drag&drop handler: Enabling this option allows KillCopy
to handle simple left-button drag&drop.

Enable Hard link here command (NTFS): Allows creating hard links to NTFS files by
drag&drop context menu. Works only for files on the same logical disk.

Try resume: If target file already exists, KillCopy will check it in 5 points, and if success resumes copy process. If files are different it will use default settings.

Command line sstartup:  
killcopy.exe "|!list|!dest| -r|s|u|k|w|..."
killcopy.exe "/!list/!dest/ -r|s|u|k|w|..."
kc.exe !list !dest -r|s|u|k|w|...

Note that kc.exe is a console wrapper to make possible to control copy process
from console, this is can be usefull when using KillCopy by telnet or SSH

!list - Path\name to text filelist(default) with files\directories or simple string with source files\directories divided by character ? (if key -e specified).
!dest - destination directory(default). You can specify here up to 4096 folders divided by character "?". It also can be destinations directories filelist (if key -f specified)

r -retry on any error
s -skip file on any error
n -start KillCopy in minimized state
g -add files to copy queue of already started KillCopy, in this case all
other keys ignored. If no started KillCopy found then new KillCopy
will be started as usual
G -start copy only after all active KillCopy sessions will be closed
m -move files
M -delete files. !dest not used
j -create NTFS links to files and folders instead of real copy
J -create NTFS hard links only to files, creating folders tree if needed
x -don't delete !list filelist
k -skip if target file exists
w -overwrite if target file exists
o -rename old file if it is exists
i -enable Overwrite if older
I -disable Overwrite if older
h -enable Skip after for autoretry mode
H -disable Skip after for autoretry mode
u -try resume if target file exists.
c -don't copy files attributes
e -!list is an source file/folder (not a filelist), or some
files/folders dividied by ?
f -!dest as the filelist with target directries where to copy
p -don't start copy automatically. allowing to access some options in Settings
d -shutdown after copy
D -don't shutdown if this mode enabled by default
t -enable Turbo mode
T -disable Turbo mode if this mode enabled by default
z -enable Reserve space for file
Z -disable Reserve space for file if this mode enabled by default
q1 -use 'network' settings preset
q2 -use 'local' settings preset (default)

LkN -where N - number 0..10 - speed limit in kbps (see following table)
LcN -where N - number 0..10 - speed limit in bps (see following table)
LpN -where N - number 0..10 - speed limit in % (see following table)

N kbps %
0 16 10
1 32 20
2 128 30
3 256 40
4 512 50
5 1024 60
6 2048 70
7 4096 80
8 8192 90

2006-12-3 13:42
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积分 48
发帖 20
注册 2006-12-2
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『第 9 楼』:  


2006-12-3 13:45
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积分 10046
发帖 3039
注册 2002-11-11
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『第 10 楼』:  

kc d:\1 e:\1 -en

2006-12-3 14:15
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